Thursday, September 6, 2007

Love equals Zero

well come to the new generation of life. well something remain same and some things changes.
well am interested in speaking only about the change in the word "love",which meant sacrifice or courage to maintain a relation but now a days the meaning of love has totally changed,
if some one say "i love you", it only means that he is interested in him or her for to fulfill his or her satisfaction or needs and nothing apart from that. if he or she says am ready to leave my family or my everything for you, than its for sure that, this relation is not working anymore.
well, in earlier days peopled loved each for the attraction but still they did try to maintain there love, for giving there life or for others happiness, that was a true love.
and if you speak of love at this stage,it has no value. the proposal should be like "am in love with you for few days(say 30days or 45days)"so that you can at least be truth full to other, instead of saying am ready to give my life to you, it will be like a joke.
the words" i love u" which has lost its real meaning, its just a attraction to fulfill the needs of each other needs or desire or to accomplish the loneliness and nothing else, that's what i would called it at this movement. the one whom you really likes,for those relation in which you don't use 'i love u', those relation works for long, they stay in your heart for ever and they have respect for each other, which doesn't exist in between the lovers. its such a kind of respect where in one really cares for others, you don't have to pay in anyways, happy life without any bonds, trust each other very much. share happiness and sorrows much better then needs.
Well let me introduce a new relation might sound weird but its the fact, its called bouncing relation which is going on that this movement, where in your in love with somebody and suddenly you see a different girl or a guy, and start liking him more than the previous one. And give no meaning to the previous relation.
If you really think that movies are the fact of life, yes up to some extent it is but the way its happening there is totally different, i feel there is no difference between those kids who acts like shatiman after seeing the show, i mean rotating like him and the youngster who see the love story movies and try to act like those hero's totally same,but those kids came in tv where as these youngster remianed there get more and more experience in there life, thats how the situation is right now.


avinash343 said...
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avinash343 said...

I agree wid u til da point there is some differene btwn real love n jus attraction .... u also tried tried 2 xplain da point in ur own way ..... n agree wid dat point also ...... but do u really blame TIME for da change ???? do u really feel dat people who fake love didnt exist at all in da past ..... u may say that relatively % of fakers has incresed over time ...... but do u really think time has made all the difference that u r feeling ??? its not that there r more fools now compared wid less in da past...... what i feel is time gives us(mankind)experience, which means v may fell things easier, better, v may improve things and so on ..... but can adop0t our feelings with dat ????? i think our feelings stay with us whether v r in 300 b.c n 2100 a.d., but da only things that may change are da way of expressing them...... like if u r female under a dictator, who is methodic n orthodox, u may be confined 2 ur house, may b dont come out, cant express, cant exercise ur freedom ....... contrast to dat, if u hav nothin 2 worry abt, v ll definetly xpress ur self ...... u xpress ur self based on the environment n situation not ur feelings..... they definetly dont change .....think of it if TIME really has impact on our expressing of feelings ..... or it is v, that r xercising freedom bcaz of da envi. v r in to ...... does time change ur feelings ????? or just it makes u to think n express those same feelings in a diiferent way !!!!!