Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sagar the Werewolf

People always wish to become something in life, a doctor, an engineer or Alana Flanna. But the thing I use to dream to become is a werewolf and that too, a bullet proof werewolf. The reason behind this is mainly it will be like, I will have the power to bash anybody in this world but. And then when you are bored you prefer to go for a change, may be bring peace in states and countries. Also when a kid doesn’t sleep her/his mom will say, “Sleep son, sleep! Or else sagar the werewolf will come!”

When ever there is a war or fights like terrorists, it will be me who will try to arrive to from that place and then solve the issues along with it and then to win a battle. If they try to give me a bribe, I won’t take it because the werewolf has its own rules and regulations. And support people from my own country and then the power will be in the hands of the country and if there is a misuse of the power then werewolf wont leave them and make them realize that its not the way it to be used.

Then in that case moving from place to place will be a joke and without any time waste too and people will be shit scared of me to see me… some1 sees me in night or when am pissed off then that day will be the last day for that person on this land and in this world. May be I will jump to another world and leave him alone out there and come here.

All other animals would have been shit scared of me and i would have been the king of the jungle. People trying to keep me as the protection support and I would have never allowed any 1 to dominate me in this life.

Sagar is always free, sagar the werewolf…..sagar the werewolf … Jai Ho


Hmmmm :) said...

keep it up..mutt !!
jaya ho Psyger :)

sagar supari's short stories (4S) said...

hehe! this is 1 of the crazy things i think!!

niranx said...

dude what happened to your dream to become computer?